Chavittunatakam, the Western-styled Indian Dance Drama – A Legacy of Portuguese in Kerala (BLAC006)
Chavittunatakam, the Western-styled Indian Dance Drama – a Legacy of Portuguese in Kerala Dr. Edward Edezhath ( This fascinating art form Chavittunatakam is almost four centuries old, its stories are mostly from the hoary antiquity of Europe, but its language and idiom are a mixture of centuries old styles of South India, yet this traditional dance-drama gradual path of recovery, at least in some pockets of the State of Kerala, from its long-lost glory and influence. This art form used to wield wide popularity in the coastal villages of central Kerala and is a most eloquent attestation to the joyful synthesis of cultures that took place following the entry of the Portuguese into this part of the world. Chavittunatakam is also an indication of the deep cultural inroads that the first European power could make into the Indian Psyche in a way that was never attempted or achieved by the subsequent western visitors to the subcontinent. Lit...